Assembled Pumpsets

Moosa-Daly designs “Off the shelf” and bespoke pressure and transfer systems to meet all client requirements for small-medium domestic needs to large and sophisticated buildings and industrial applications.
Typical Assembly line Output:
Domestic applications:
- Duty-standby transfer & booster pump set with control panel
- Duty-standby hot & cold water circulation pump sets with control panel
- Duty-standby swimming pool & filtration pump sets with control panel
- Single duty transfer & booster pump set with control panel
- Multiple pump assembly for special applications with VFD or/and PLC panel
Industrial applications:
- Duty-standby vertical multi stage pump sets for high rise building water transfer with control panel
- Duty-standby vertical multi stage booster pump set with control panel
- Duty-standby irrigation pump-sets with control panel
- Duty-standby chilled water circulation pump sets with control panel
- Duty-standby high pressure washer pump sets with control panel (for car/truck wash application)
- Large multiple pump assembly for various applications with VFD or/and PLC panel
Capacity: Moosa-Daly has the capacity to produce 5200 transfer & booster pump sets annually to meet the local UAE market demand. Apart from pump-sets assembly, Moosa- Daly also assembles high quality control panels for hot water circulation systems, swimming pool controllers, and drainage & irrigation systems.