Moosa-Daly offers a comprehensive selection of high-quality pipes and fittings to cater to diverse needs in both household and industrial applications. Our range of pressure pipes includes ABS, PVC, HDPE and PPR options. Our product range in plastic pipes covers a wide range of pipe sizes, valves and fittings. Designed to suit different projects and environments, whether for plumbing systems in residential buildings, chilled water or industrial applications, our pipes and fittings excel in durability, performance, and reliability. 

Our steadfast dedication to customer satisfaction is supported by our highly trained and dedicated technical sales team, who will be pleased to help with your pipe selection and jointing methods. Moosa-Daly remains one of the preferred pipe fittings supplier in the UAE.

Plastic pipes and other fittings we offer:

Why choose our pipe fitting solutions?

Some of the very first PVC and ABS pressure pipe installations in the UAE were supplied by Moosa-Daly. The exceptional product knowledge we held then is still within our company today. We continue to visit our customers, providing training on installation methods, pipe supports, expansion and contraction and how best to join the materials. If you are looking at a chilled water installation or a pumped effluent pipeline, we have the products and expertise to help.

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between an ABS and PVC pipe?

The key difference is that ABS pipe is ductile, it therefore works better at lower temperatures. PVC is used on potable water pipework, but also widely in Industrial applications where there are chemicals involved.

What does solvent welding mean?

Solvent welds essentially use solvents to melt the pipe and the fitting surfaces, you quickly push the pipe into the fitting, then as the solvent evaporates, you have a single homogeneous pipe. It’s a very simple way of joining.

What is better, steel, or plastic pipe?

This is a tricky question. Generally steel pipelines are used where there is the chance of external damage, high temperatures or high pressures. Plastic pipes will almost always be selected when none of the aforementioned issues are a concern. Copper pipes were historically used on domestic heating and hot water pipelines. However, today PPr is often considered the preferred material given its ease of installation. Our sales staff at Bin Moosa and Daly will be pleased to help with the best pipe selection.

Want to know more about our plastic pipes and other fitting solutions?

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